
Catch-IT: Two Vulnerabilities Identified in Microsoft Products

Critical Patches Recently Released for Microsoft Products Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Microsoft products, the most severe of which could allow for remote code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, [...]

Catch-IT: Time to Update! Chrome Issues Urgent Zero-Day Fix

Chrome users urged to update as Google patches seventh zero-day exploit this year Late last week, Google rolled out emergency fixes to contain an actively exploited zero-day flaw in its Chrome web browser.  The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2022-3723, has been described as a type confusion flaw in the V8 JavaScript engine. Successful [...]

Catch-IT: Latest Phishing Scam Involves Direct Deposit

Warning for Employees and Businesses that use Direct Deposit The latest phishing scam involves direct deposit, with emails being specially crafted to the targeted organization.  Scammers impersonate an employee, often by establishing an email address using the employee’s name and utilizing display name spoofing in the messages. The malicious [...]

Cyber Insurance 101

It seems hardly a day goes by without a new report of a cyberattack.  The average ransom payment shot up 82 percent from 2020 to 2021. By the middle of 2021, the number of ransomware attacks was up more than 150 percent over the entirety of 2020.  These numbers are [...]

Top 3 Phishing Attack Simulators to Defend Your Network

Did you know the median financial impact of a breach over the past year is $21,659, with 95 percent of incidents falling between $826 and $653,587?  Of these attacks 85% involved a human element.  Phishing emails are one of the most popular attack vectors for cybercriminals, with scams becoming [...]

Recent Phishing Tactics – What to Look For and How to Avoid Falling Victim

Hackers are getting sophisticated when it comes to phishing scams.  Recently, Google Gmail and Microsoft Office users were targets of a phishing attack that included graphics and a login page that were nearly identical to the mentioned providers.  These improved tactics increase the likelihood of recipients falling victim to the [...]

By |2019-07-31T12:59:01-05:00March 22nd, 2017|Categories: Advisory, Catch IT, CyberSecurity|Tags: , , , , , |
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