On Wednesday, Apple backported security updates to older iPhones, iPads, and iPod touch devices to address a critical security flaw that has been actively exploited in the wild.  If you own the following devices an update is needed:

  •  iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air, iPad mini 2, iPad mini 3, or iPod touch (6th generation)

The fix in iOS 12.5.6 is intended to patch up a security vulnerability that could let a malicious website run unchecked code if you opened it on a browser on your phone.

What You Need to Do
If you own one of the above devices, you can find and download iOS 12.5.6 by going to Settings on your phone, clicking on General and selecting Software Update.   Not other action is needed at this time.

Have Questions or need help with this update?  Contact a member of the BMT team.