Threats are moving so fast it’s hard to keep up


On June 27, there was news of a cyber attack affecting the Ukraine. It was thought to be a worm known as Petya spreading ransomware. 24-hours later it was reclassified as NotPetya because, you guessed it,  it was determined to be a different than Petya. Today we learn it isn’t ransomware at all but a cyber-weapon!

Catalin Cimpanu, the Security News Editor for Bleepingcomputer stated, “The consensus on NotPetya has shifted dramatically in the past 24 hours, and nobody would be wrong to say that NotPetya is on the same level with Stuxnet and BlackEnergy, two malware families used for political purposes and for their destructive effects. Evidence is clearly mounting that NotPetya is a cyber-weapon and not just some overly-aggressive ransomware.”

BMT Inside Info

While thought to be mostly spreading in Europe, BMT is aware of at least one Government Agency and a fortune 500 company in the US that have been severely impacted. These organizations are starting from scratch by re-provisioning 100’s of machines!

Or is it?

We are proud to report, as with WannaCry, all of our Managed IT Service clients are unaffected.  While our competitors are sending out warning emails to their clients, such as:

“[We] are asking everyone take extra care to stay off any sites not related to work ( streaming music / YouTube / Random News sites / Facebook / Coupon sites / Personal Shopping ). We also ask for everyone to take extra care with incoming E-Mail attachments & Messages.”

We are engaging with clients on IT & Business Strategy

In short, critical to surviving these attacks, our managed service clients enjoy these key services among others:

  • Religious Patch Management
  • Weapons-grade Backups
  • New-School Security Awareness Training

Want to work with the best? The team at BMT can help. We work with industry leaders applying years of industry knowledge and foresight to make sure your business keeps moving forward.

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