Released back in 1995, Internet Explorer (IE) was once the browser standard.  Installed by default on every Windows computer, IE held about 95% of the market share in the early 2000s.  Today, Microsoft is urging users to stop using Internet Explorer as they are no longer supporting new development for the web browser.

According to Microsoft’s worldwide lead for cybersecurity, Chris Jackson, Internet Explorer is no longer considered a web browser.  Jackson writes in a recent blog post, “you see, Internet Explorer is a compatibility solution,” says Jackson. “We’re not supporting new web standards for it and, while many sites work fine, developers by and large just aren’t testing for Internet Explorer these days. They’re testing on modern browsers.”

What should you do? 
If using Internet Explorer, switch to a new browser.   There are a number of options – Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox (to name a few).   Research the various options and set a modern browser as your default.  If you need assistance, reach out to a member of the BMT Team.