Recent events have workers with home offices spending more time in them than ever intended. We know most work/living places aren’t ready for this. Yet millions have been sent home, and will likely be there for a while, possibly permanently. Odds are your remote work office is neither an optimized nor particularly happy place right now and we can help.

Series 3, Episode 1 – Optimizing Your Home Office Space
The first episode in our Remote Works Strategy Series discusses 8 things you can do to make your current workspace more productive and comfortable. Specifics are discussed and real examples provided that you can easily implement, without breaking the budget. Topics discussed include:
  • WiFi – Optimize your connection for coverage and speed
  • Monitor Stands – Maximize your space/viewing options
  • USB Hub/Docking Stations – Adding extra ports for monitors and peripherals
  • Headsets – Best options for improving sound, removing background noise
  • Mechanical Keyboards – Improve your typing experience
  • Web Cameras – Best sellers and available features
  • Printers – InkJet vs.laser, what’s best for you? Benefits of using a multi-function device
  • Office Chairs – Can’t afford that fancy $1,300 chair? Think again!

This well-received, 15-minute live event is full of important tips and tools.  If you were unable to attend, we encourage you to view the recorded webinar here:  As we continue down this path of remote work, this presentation can and should be used as reference .

To learn more about BMT’s Remote Works Security series, click here.