Business Machine Technologies, Inc. (BMT) is excited to announce that it has once again been recognized by NJBIZ in its 2019 Reader Rankings.  This is the second year BMT has ranked in the top 3 for the Cybersecurity Company category.

“BMT is honored to once again be named to the NJBIZ Reader Rankings as one of the top cybersecurity companies”, says Stew Smith, Vice President of Business Development at BMT.  “The number of cyber-related crimes has risen expotenially. Data security is no longer being viewed as optional, it is a fundamental part of every day business operations. We are proud to be recognized as a leader in this space.”

The annual NJBIZ Reader Rankings feature some of the top New Jersey businesses in industries such as engineering, non-profit, education, real estate, and professional services. NJBIZ readers nominate companies for each category and vote on the top 5 to 8 businesses to determine the winners.  This year, over 40,000 votes were cast!