Protect Your Organization With a Simple Framework
Did you know that every business is at risk of experiencing a data breach, regardless of size? While larger corporations are most publicized when it comes to data breaches, 58% of victims are classified as small businesses. 60 percent of these small companies will go out of business within six months of falling victim to a data breach or cyberattack.
Small business cybersecurity plans don’t need to be elaborate or expensive. This webinar event will review CyberPoint, a one-stop package that cost-effectively manages and reduces cybersecurity risk. When it comes to security, we understand areas of vulnerability and have created a simple framework that can protect any organization, regardless of size or industry.
Join us on December 3 at 1:00 PM for this 30-minute, free webinar event. We’ll review 3 areas and highlight top-level features and benefits you can easily apply to your organization.
Areas of discussion include:
– Detect
Email imposters run rampant on any network. Our services offer a solid safety net using sophisticated email authentication technology. We keep the bad guys out by preventing phishing emails from reaching your company’s inboxes in the first place.
– Protect
Keeping security up-to-date is key to protecting networks. We install the latest patches and updates, setting them to update automatically on your network. We continually check your network for suspicious activity and send you alerts if any are found.
– Educate
Your employees are the last and best line of defense when it come to a cyberattack. We provide ongoing training, teaching staff how to avoid phishing scams and show them some of the common ways attackers can infect computers and devices with malware.