Look out Phishing, here comes Smishing!

There’s a new scam in town!  Although the name may sound funny, becoming a victim is not joke.  “Smishing” is an identity theft scheme that involves sending consumers text messages containing a link to a fraudulent website or phone number in an attempt to collect personal information.  A current example involves a mystery shopping scam which starts out with a text invitation, asking you to send an email for more information, which then gets you roped into the scam.

What does a smishing attack look like?
Cyberthieves are trying to lure you into providing account information — such as a login name, password or credit card info — by tapping on a link that takes you to a web site. Here they can get enough info to steal your identity. Or you might be asked to answer questions via text message or advised to call a phone number. Here are some examples you may receive via text message:

  • Dear customer, Bank of America needs you to verify your PIN number immediately to confirm you’re the proper account holder. Some accounts have been breached. We urgently ask you to protect yourself by confirming your info here.
  • Your Apple ID account has been locked due to unauthorized login attempts. Please login here and verify your information: bit.ly/ScamLikely
  • Become a mystery shopper and earn $400 weekly. This position will not affect your current job. To apply, email full name and contact information to: Hacker@scamlikely.com

How can you protect yourself?

  • Don’t open messages from suspicious numbers
  • Delete suspicious texts
  • Use different, complex passwords and enable two-factor authentication
  • Even if you receive a text message from a friend with a link, consider verifying with them before clicking the link
  • Don’t give out personal information

BMT offers a comprehensive Cybersecurity Awareness Training that can help you and your team from falling victim to such attacks.  Contact us today for more information.