The International Legal Technology Association (ILTA) recently released their Executive Summary for the 2019 Technology Survey. While the full survey will not be out until end of October 2019, the summary does a great job of identifying tech challenges faced by the legal industry, in addition to hot spots in the current environment.  To download the survey, click here:

This year’s survey includes responses from 537 law firms, representing over 116,000 attorneys and more than 240,000 total users! If interested in purchasing the full survey, when available (end of October), visit the ILTA website.

BMT Summary

The report reflects current challenges we are helping our legal clients overcome. Firms continue to embrace cloud solutions, particularly in the areas of payroll and email solutions. These cloud-based email solutions include: security, archiving and hosting, with 39% of firms migrating to hosted email this year, joining the 33% that are already there.

Windows 10 is being deployed on new equipment at 89% of firms, but Windows 7 is still the primary Operating System at 31% of firms. With support for Windows 7 ending 1/14/2020, we are helping firms close that gap in this final quarter of 2019. Need assistance? Join our complimentary Windows 7 migration webinar.

Finally, we are happy to see 2-Factor Authentication being embraced for remote and cloud access, and ongoing Phishing Tests are being performed by 68% of firms. We’ve been supporting these security initiatives since 2016.

Need Assistance?
Much of the survey response may seem overwhelming when it comes to execution. The BMT team has significant experience working with law firms to implement technologies that offer long term results. Contact us today for a complimentary assessment. For more information on our legal IT services, visit us at