For years, the BMT team has been touting the importance of implement two-factor authentication (2FA) on accounts.  A simple yet necessary additional layer of security, 2FA utilizes two forms of authentication – Knowledge-based authentication verifies the user’s identity based on “something they know”, such as passwords, security codes, and answers to security questions. Possession-based authentication confirms the user’s identity based on “something they possess”, such as a phone, security key, or biometrics (i.e. fingerprint scan, facial recognition). When both of these factors are required for authentication, the security model becomes much more entrenched, making it more difficult to bypass or hack.  Watch our 2-minute video to learn more about the importance of 2FA and how to easily implement.

Google now believes that having a second layer of authentication is no longer an option but a must for account security. In early October 2021, Google announced that it is in the process of auto-enrolling 2SV for an additional 150 million accounts, as well as 2 million accounts belonging to YouTube creators, by the end of 2021.

What Should You Do?
Before you are chosen to get auto-enrollment into Google’s 2FA system, we recommend opting in yourself.   Turning this feature on is simple, directions can be found on the Google Support page.  Google offers the following prompts as a second form of authentication:
  1. Phone Verification
  2. Security Key
  3. App Passwords

For years, the majority of online users resisted adopting 2FA due to perceived complexity and the fear of being locked out of their accounts. Kudos to Google for sending a clear message that having a password alone no longer guarantees security.