
Videos of BMT Events

Cyber Insurance 101

It seems hardly a day goes by without a new report of a cyberattack.  The average ransom payment shot up 82 percent from 2020 to 2021. By the middle of 2021, the number of ransomware attacks was up more than 150 percent over the entirety of 2020.  These numbers are [...]

The Most Important Tool To Prevent a Breach

The Most Important Security Tool You Should Be Using. Yes, it's FREE*! It's a fact, more than 90% of successful hacks and data breaches start with phishing scams. One of the simplest and most effective techniques used by cybercriminals to achieve their goals are what is known as phishing [...]

Welcome World Password Day 2022!

It's the first Thursday in May and while many are celebrating Cinco De Mayo, at BMT we are rejoicing National Password Day!!  We commemorate this special day with some tips to help you stay safe online! 3 Tips You Can Use Now to Improve Online Security Passwordless Sign-In.  Yes, [...]

How to Easily Set Up 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)

BMT's How-To Series! How to Easily Set Up 2-Factor Authentication (2FA) Download the Authenticator App you want to use. Visit the application/program you want to enable 2FA. Visit the Setting section of that app and then Security>Two-Factor Authentication (set-up may vary a bit per app) Reenter your password. Then, find [...]

How to Use a Password Manager

Welcome to BMT's How-To Series! How to Use a Password Manager Download a Password Manager Program. We recommend Bitwarden, LastPass or 1Password. Create a Master Password (we recommend using a passphrase) for your new program. Start logging into accounts and saving passwords to the Password Manager. Begin changing your passwords to ones that are [...]

Favorite Shortcuts for Windows 10

We've Compiled our Top 5 Favorite Shortcuts for Windows 10 Who doesn't like a faster, easier way when it comes to completing everyday computer tasks?! We've come up with 5 of our favorite shortcuts you can utilize when you are using Windows 10.  These simple tips are sure to [...]

How to Use the Phish Alert Button (Video)

Did you know more than 90% of successful hacks and data breaches start with phishing scams? One of the simplest and most effective techniques used by cybercriminals to achieve their goals are what are known as phishing attacks.   It is often much easier to trick someone to click on [...]

12 Days of What to Look For – Day 12, Don’t Share Your Social Security Number

We close out our holiday campaign with this final tip (#12) for you...Don't Share Your Social Security Number! Your Social Security number (SSN) is a high-value target for ID theft.  Stolen SSNs make it easy for criminals to open new lines of credit and accounts, file fraudulent tax returns, [...]

12 Days of What to Look For – Day 11, Update Your Software

Counting down to Tip #11...Update Your Software! We know it's easy to skip software updates because they can take up a few minutes of our time, and may not seem that important. But this is a mistake that keeps the door open for hackers to access your private information, [...]

12 Days of What to Look For – Day 10, Beware of Holiday Scams

We kick off our final week with Tip #10...Beware of Holiday Scams! Scammers work year-round, but prey on the increase of online payments and web usage during the holidays.  Being scammed can often mean losing money that can’t be recovered—and more seriously, having your identity stolen. It’s a devastating [...]

12 Days of What to Look For – Day 9, Use Strong Passwords

On the 9th Day of Holiday Tips we send this advice to you...Use Strong Passwords! At BMT we cannot stress this enough - one of the most important ways to ensure that your online accounts are safe and secure is to use strong passwords.  Strong passwords are longer than [...]

12 Days of What to Look For – Day 8, Use a Digital Wallet

We countdown to Day 8 and bring this tip to you...Use a Digital Wallet! Digital wallets are a digital version of your financial accounts made easily accessible via computer, smartphone or smart device, ultimately eliminating much of the need to carry around an actual wallet.  Apple Pay, Google Pay, [...]

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