It’s Time to Get Serious About Security

How secure is your professional and personal infrastructure?  Do you feel like you are lagging behind when it comes to the best practices in keeping your equipment secure?  Know you are not alone.

Although most are aware of recent and ongoing cyberattacks, few actually have the proper security posture to keep personal and professional infrastructures sufficiently protected.   Often lack of knowledge leaves everyday IoT devices (PCs, phones, storage, webcams, laptops, etc.) vulnerable to an increasing number of hacks.

Join us on Tuesday, October 9 for a FREE 20-minute, non-technical webinar that will arm you with practical and powerful tools to protect your networks.  We’ll focus on three areas and offer actionable items you can use to improve the security of your systems.

Topics that will be covered include:

  • Awareness (Phishing emails, using a Password Manager/2FA)
  • Preventative Maintenance (Hardware/software updates, anti-virus)
  • Back Ups (Where to back up, how often)

Learning Objectives
Upon completion of this webinar, participants will have the ability to:

  • Incorporate small, easy to implement steps to prevent a cyberattack
  • Take necessary steps ensure systems remain secure
  • Be aware of the best options for backing up data

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