91% of successful data breaches started with a spear-phishing attack.

The Hackers get an A!

I’ll bet, less than 60% of your co-workers know what a spear-phishing attack is.   (Spear Phishing Definition)

Despite all the money your company may have invested in: Firewalls, Antivirus, Antimalware, Antispam, VPN’s, 2-Factor Authentication –
You are getting an F! 

Did you click on the link above without checking it first?
Innocence is to blame here. Have your co-workers ever been taught what to look out for? In school? During Orientation? Once a year, when asked to look over a PowerPoint presentation? Even companies who have started formal training programs as required by HIPAA and PCI-DSS, typically find the executives excusing themselves. The hackers aren’t getting A’s by ignoring this. Running phishing simulations, like clicking on the link above without checking it because you trust the source, keeps everyone vigilant.

What’s the opposite of Innocence? Awareness!

There are at least 5 components to a successful Security Awareness Program.

  1. Phish your staff – Running phishing simulations is a proven tool to increase awareness and reduce risk. Training is a must but ongoing assessment keeps your staff sharp.
  2. Interactive Training – Most people don’t like training. They have their work to do. Interactive training helps keep their attention by keeping them engaged. When you are engaged you learn, when you learn you become more engaged.
  3. A Measurable Program – You need the ablity to track who is participating. HR needs to step in for those who, “just can’t find the time” to take the training.
  4. Promote the Program – Senior Management must be included and should publicly signify their participation. Out of site, out of mind – Put up posters in the break room reminding everyone they have a critical role in protecting the Company. Distribute monthly Cyber Security Hints and Tips.
  5. Empower your staff – Encourage them to report suspicious emails and activity to your IT support staff. Most people assume Cyber Security is IT’s responsibility. Make sure they understand that they are on the front lines of defense.

If you’ve stuck with us up till now you may know what is coming. Yep, BMT’s Cyber Security Awareness Training Program has these 5 components and excels in all areas. Just another way we are, “Delivering IT Excellence”
Contact us to find out more.

BMT Catch-IT!