We’ve Recapped the Most Popular Topics of 2022!

With a almost full year of post-covid living, we see things somewhat back to status quo. We decided to take a look back and see what trended this past year – this intel shows how things are changing and offers insight as to what we can expect in the coming year. Welcome 2023!
Most Popular Video
Our webinar overviewing the Cisco WebEx platform topped the charts this year! Following closely, the next three most popular videos were all security related (Phish Alert button, Password Manager and 2FA). We expect to see a continued trend with security-related content in the coming year. Stay tuned to the BMT channel!

Top Blog Post
Our most popular blog post for 2022 was The Most Important Tool to Prevent a Breach. This post also highlighted our Phish Alert button feature, reviewing the functionality and importance of this valuable tool. Information on how to easily download a free phish alert button is included!

Most Viewed Web Page
Our FlexibilIT service page received the most views this year! This page was created to meet the needs of the covid/post-covid workplace. As we see more environments completely adopt a more flexible work environment, this page offers assistance on how to make a successful transition.
2023 Predictions
Security breaches are becoming more common and more complex, resulting in new laws being passed to protect consumers and companies putting security at the center of their decisions.  The recently enacted FTC Safeguards Rule is an example of enforced regulations that protect the confidentiality and security of customer information.

For coming years, we expect an environment in which greater decentralization, increased regulation, and security implications will be more severe. We recommend taking this year to look at your cybersecurity posture, identify areas of weakness, and begin to organize solutions. Need help getting started? BMT has the tools and expertise to help – our Safeguards Compliance Assessment will make sure you have what is needed to protect personal and client information.